A long hall with different posters on walls and red windows, wooden tables and brown chairs
Sitting area of a restaurant with red neon lights, hanging lights, red tables, and benches with a picture of an animated band at the back.
A busy reataurant with colorful yellow walls filled with posters and pictures, wooden roof having fans and lights.
A black and brown building having Martin's Bar B-Que joint in white at the front
Colorful counter with chairs in the middle of a space and a roof banner with text "ISLAMORADA" and LED screens at different spots
Aqua shelves having food containers, a counter adjacent to it with pictures and sitting area at a side, a board hanging on top saying "order here"
A colorful BBQ store with snacks, beer, and other stuff with metal rods ceiling and board hanging saying "order here"
Inside a colorful restaurant with yellow walls having random posters, blue sofas, and wooden tables.
Sitting area with tables and wooden chairs, a wall containing different posters having numbers, and a wall with "CAJUN MULE" written on it.
Open sitting area with green and white benches and black hunt roof


Project Owner:
Pat Martin

Project Completion:

Project Size:
9,350 sf