A white building with "HUNTER Station" written in red neon light, has glass windows, a door, and a parking area.
A building complex, with one building has ""The Grilled CHEESERIE" in yellow neon light and the other has "HUNTERS" in red neon light.
The sitting area with wooden furniture and a counter with baked items, a menu board at the back, and a "CITIZEN MARKET" written on the front.
A reception counter of a restaurant in red, white, and blue color with an animated pig, holding the menu board, painted on the wall.
Night view of two white buildings in an L-shape with a parking area beside the road.
A white building with glass windows and door with "HUNTERS Station" written in red illuminating light at the front
Two buildings with "The Grilled CHEESERIE" in yellow neon light at the front on one and "HUNTERS" in red neon light on other.
A sitting area, in front of a counter of the shop, with black chairs, red stools, wooden tables and TACOS AURORA logo on a wall.


Project Owner:

Project Completion:

Project Size:
25,261 SF