Sitting area of a burger shop with a red wall, tables, chairs, a wooden roof, counter and stools, and hanging lights over the counter.
Burger shop with a red wall, white tables, brown chairs, a wooden roof, a countertop, and stools, while lights are hanging over the countertop.
Sitting area of a burger shop with a red wall, wooden tables, chairs and silver hanging lights
Brown building with Hugh-Baby's BBQ and Burger shop in red, white font and sea-green, red shades representing restaurant architecture theme.
A burger shop with white counter, red stools, and hanging lights with pig face painted on the back wall
Sitting area of a burger shop with wooden tables, chairs, wooden roof, and red walls. Cartoon Pig with red P-cap is painted on the wall.
Burger shop with a white countertop, red stools, and hanging lights. An animated pig with a red P-cap is painted on the front wall


Project Owner:
Hugh Baby's

Project Completion:

Project Size:
3,515 SF