A white counter with several machines including a coffee machine, a tea-pink tiled wall, hanging lights, tables and green and pink chairs
White counter and sitting area of a pastel-themed restaurant with "breakfast for good" in pink font on a wall, planters and large windows.
White counter of a restaurant with tea-pink tiled front wall and several machines, white tables, pastel pink and green chairs.
A large floral banner with "Breakfast for Good Biscuit Love" in red font and a pastel theme seating area at the left side. A large floral banner with "Breakfast for Good Biscuit Love" in red font and a pastel theme seating area at the left side.
A view of a pastel-themed sitting area with white tables, sage green, and tea pink chairs, vertical shelves with planters and large windows.
Verticle shelves containing small planters having indoor plants, large windows and a table with sage green, tea-pink chairs and shaker set.
A business banner with the text "Breakfast for good Biscuit Love" in red and light blue font attached to a white bricked building.


Project Owner:

Project Completion:

Project Size:
3017 SF