Graphical view of three sections of a building with a courtyard in the middle where musicians are playing music while people are enjoying.
Architectural draft for an add-on to the building in rust color.
A courtyard of a historic house with a tree holding hanging lights, a wooden dining table with chairs, planters and wooden recliner chairs.
Exterior view of a historic grey building with large windows and glass doors showing sofas. Outside wooden stairs lead to a grassy yard.
Large windows at the front and one side of a courtyard space that contains a tree, wooden dining table, chairs, and recliner chair.
A black cabinet in front of a wall that contains several photo frames and an antique black chair below the wooden staircase that is going up.
Graphic view of a lounge DJ with purple lights, a few people mingling on the platform, a DJ at the back, and a sitting area
Large room with windows at two walls, rust red sofas with a wooden table on one side and chairs with dining table and planter on the other
Brick-walled kitchen with cabinets, shelves, white marble dining table, chairs, blue drawers, windows, tables, and chairs with flower planters.
Hand sketched bricked house with windows, roof, front stairs, and back attached to already built houses.
Hand-drawn sketch of a grey add-on having one brick wall with windows and other grey walls and roof with chimney hole.

1220 7TH AVE N.

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