A circular street restaurant board with "The Grilled Cheeserie" in white font, cheese and bread drawing, "Melt N' Shakes" in yellow below it
A black shop with a shed having "The Grilled Cheeserie Melts and Shakes" in white font, a glass door, and two windows showing hanging lights.
Skin table with black benches on both sides and yellow hanging lights in front of a large glass window showing calm aesthetics.
A white shop with cheese theme and sitting area, hanging lights, an open kitchen, and yellow neon cheese light on a wall
A white-walled shop with sitting area, hanging lights and an open kitchen, with a wall having yellow neon cheese light clothing displays.
White bricked wall with yellow neonlight of cheese and bread, shelves contain clothing items while white tables and black chairs are at front.
Small Black and white circles making strips.
Overview of the restaurant with black and white seating on one side while wall with clothing display and open kitchen on the other.


Project Owner:

Project Completion:

Project Size:
2,285 SF