Sitting area of a restaurant with brown set tables, chairs and hanging lights at one side and a staircase at the other side.
A black counter with chairs and different alcohol bottles at back. Black sofas, a wooden table, a large glass window, and a door on one side.
Wooden door, two planters, wall lights on both sides with 1628 written below one and E3 in a black metal frame is attached on the roof.
Windows, white tables, and chairs are on one side, and stony counter with menus, hanging lights, bottles, and planters are on the other.
Exterior of a modern white and mud grey corner building, which has windows, and an E3 metal logo on it with planters around its entrance.
Sitting area of a restaurant with hanging lights, windows, black sofas, wooden table with set cutlery and glassware.
Sitting area of a classic restaurant with sofa compartments on one side and set tables and chairs on the other side with hanging lights.
The interior of a restaurant with a vintage touch, set tables and chairs, hanging lights, and an engraved painting.
A black metal separator of a reindeer design beside a wall painting


Project Owner:
Adam LaRoche, Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean

Project Completion:

Project Size:
11,182 SF