A long room with a wall in mid having many arches and mirrors, grey chairs in front. Focus lights and products on display in a corner.
A colorful themed wall and a row of red chairs in front of it with white neck massagers and focus lights.
A white wall with small shelf stands having beauty products on them for display
A colorful wall with red chairs, neck massagers in front of it and side corridor leading to a sky-blue cupboard.
A long corridor with multiple chairs and embedded mirrors in front of them with a large window for light.
A long light-pink hall with arched doors and off-white chairs in the middle, shelves with beauty products and shocking pink sofas.
A light pink hall with arched doors in the middle with mirrors inside. Off-white rotating chairs are present in front of each mirror
Light purple shelves with beauty products in front of the mustard-colored arc and a big orange hand stool on the floor.


Project Owner:

Project Completion:

Project Size:
2,225 SF